Boarding and Day School for boys aged 7 - 18 years

Current Parents

The School recognises that their relationship with parents has to be two-way. The primary point of contact is always your son’s Tutor. On some occasions the communication will be very focussed on the individual needs of a boy and his personal challenges and development. On other occasions the School will look for more general feedback, comments and suggestions. This predominantly takes place through two structures, the Parents Committee and Focus Groups which are Year specific. Both the Head Master of the School and Headmaster of the Preparatory School attend these meetings. We understand that parents lives are very are very busy and can on occasions feel a small part in a large School. We are therefore very keen that parents always feel that they can approach the School however minor the issue may appear.

On a social level both the Parents' Guild in the Upper School and BPSA in the Prep School are very active. A variety of events are run throughout the year which provides the opportunity to meet fellow parents and staff in a relaxed way. Strong relationships are quickly built which often go on to provide an informal support structure to a family throughout their son’s time at the School.

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