Boarding and Day School for boys aged 7 - 18 years

Gifts from the US

Tax-deductible Gifts

Tax-deductible contributions may be made to the British Schools and Universities Foundation (BSUF). Please express your preference that they should be directed to Bedford School. Donors' expressions of preference are respected by BSUF and the Foundation. All grants are made at its sole discretion as required by the I.R.S. Contributions made from the USA directly to an offshore charity do not qualify for a tax deduction under the I.R.S. code. Please click here for the BSUF Donation Form.

When making your donation, please express your preference for ‘Bedford School’ in your letter and not on your check. Your check should be made payable to The British Schools and Universities Foundation.

Your check should be sent with a covering note to our contact for BSUF gifts, Professor Paul Talalay who is an Old Bedfordian who has kindly volunteered to co-ordinate gifts to the School and Foundation from the USA. His address is:

Professor Paul Talalay MD
School of Medicine
Johns Hopkins University
725 N. Wolfe Street
Maryland 21205

Matching Gift Program (USA)-

Your employer may have a matching gift program which could double the value of your gift. The company will provide you with a matching form which, when completed, should be sent along with your check to Paul Talalay.

Marketable Securities and Deferred Giving (USA)

For information about the additional tax benefits to be gained by making gifts of marketable securities and about deferred giving opportunities, please look at the BSUF website: or contact the BSUF Treasurer, Mrs Mary Ellen O'Brien. Her telephone number is (914) 337 7718 and her email is

UK Taxpayers living in the US

If you have an UK bank account, please make your donation as for UK residents and taxpayers. Please email the Foundation for an Overseas Business Reply Service envelope.

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